How to Lighten Your Hair Naturally

Welcome back to another blog post! Today I’m sharing the best DIY recipe to lighten your hair naturally. It’s simple and easy to make, and all of the ingredients can be found in your kitchen cupboard! I’m a huge fan of this for a few reasons: not only is it inexpensive, but it won’t damage

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My Journaling Exercises and Organization

Journaling is a great way for me to keep myself on track and organized, relieve stress, and express myself. Ever since I can remember, I’ve had a certain fascination with journals and notebooks. When I was little, as soon as I got my allowance I’d head to the store to spend it on a new book of blank

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My Top 3 Free Workout Channels

It’s amazing what we have for free at our fingertips with technology these days. From video and music streaming to chatting with friends halfway around the world, sometimes I can’t even believe all the things we’re able to do. One of my favourite and arguably one of the most life-changing freebies is the huge supply of

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