Deepening My Commitment to Slow Fashion

Happy Earth Day! I hope you are all doing well and staying safe in these strange times. For me, Earth Day is a time to reflect on the impact I am having on our planet and see if there are ways I could be doing better or taking my journey towards sustainability a step further.

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21 Life Lessons I Learned in My Twenties

Well, it’s official – I am now part of the thirties club. I had my 30th birthday back in September. It passed by innocuously enough; I celebrated quietly and simply with Jason and close friends, and snuck in a visit with my family just before. I’ve never been much of a big-birthday-blowout type, so that

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How to Be Content with What You Already Have

There are two ways to have enough: one is to continue to accumulate more and more. The other is to desire less. G.K. Chesterton The path to minimalism is fraught with difficulty, traps, and distractions. I still struggle with wanting more, even though I have experienced the benefits of living more simply first-hand. It’s so

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How to Get Over Being a Perfectionist

Being a perfectionist is one of those things you’re supposed to say in an interview when they ask what your weaknesses are. It’s made to sound like a bad thing that you sneakily turn into something good. (Does anyone actually do this anymore, or is it too well known now?) In my case, it could

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