What Simple Living Means to Me

I started this blog as a way to share my journey towards simple living with others. But some of you might be wondering, Just what is simple living, anyway? Is it the same as minimalism, and if not, how are they different?  In this article I’ll be sharing my thoughts on what simple living means

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11 Tips to Help You Stay Motivated

If you’ve read my story, you might know that I’ve made a pretty big life change recently. To sum up quickly, I left my corporate career to pursue my goal of becoming a full-time lifestyle blogger. I liked my job, but I had realized that my true passion was to help others on their path

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My Journaling Exercises and Organization

Journaling is a great way for me to keep myself on track and organized, relieve stress, and express myself. Ever since I can remember, I’ve had a certain fascination with journals and notebooks. When I was little, as soon as I got my allowance I’d head to the store to spend it on a new book of blank

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Welcome to My Simple Living Blog

Well, here I go with my first post! I wanted to kick things off with an introduction and explain who I am, where I’m coming from and why I decided to start a blog about simple living. First things first – my name is Emily and I’m a 27-year-old living in beautiful Vancouver, BC. I’ve

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