Welcome to My Simple Living Blog

Well, here I go with my first post! I wanted to kick things off with an introduction and explain who I am, where I’m coming from and why I decided to start a blog about simple living.

First things first – my name is Emily and I’m a 27-year-old living in beautiful Vancouver, BC. I’ve lived here my whole life and there are so many things I love about this city, especially its proximity to nature. Here we’re lucky enough to be surrounded by ocean, forests, and mountains.

I once travelled through Ohio and I vividly remember watching fields upon fields of corn go by the car window as we drove. It made me feel homesick, and I didn’t realize until later it was the mountains and the landscape that I was missing. Being surrounded by nature and wilderness has always been a source of happiness and comfort to me.

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These days, I live in an apartment in the city and work downtown at a 9-5 office job. But the importance of nature has stuck with me. In my spare time, I enjoy learning how to cook healthy and nourishing food from scratch, and have always been curious about natural home remedies and products. I started growing vegetables in my garden for the first time this year, and from there have become interested in sustainable farming and the impact our agriculture system is having on the environment.

More recently, I’ve become especially interested in a simpler way of life that leaves room for the things that matter most. And, I have a feeling I’m not alone – I believe all humans have an innate desire to return to nature, especially in today’s world full of modern technology and constant digital connection.

We’ve made so much progress that is beneficial to our society, but at the same time we’re causing irreparable damage to the environment that sustains us. On top of that, many of us (myself included) are living with a certain level of stress and anxiety from the fast pace at which we now live our lives.

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I decided to start Live Simply With Emily as a way to share everything I learn on my path to a simpler way of life. I plan to cover a wide variety of topics, from growing an organic vegetable garden, healthy recipes, and making natural beauty products, to minimalism, budgeting, and sustainability. My ultimate goal is to find health and happiness in a simpler way of life – and help others do the same!

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I hope you enjoy reading this blog as much as I enjoy writing it. And, I hope it inspires you to come and live simply with me!

Until next time,

xx Emily

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