Here is this week’s outfit roundup from my winter capsule wardrobe. You can probably tell by the outfits that I’m feeling a little over winter (we still have snow here) and looking forward to spring! I normally swap over my wardrobe for spring in March, so I’m working on putting that all together for you. Until then, here is some inspiration for this time of year when it’s slowly warming up from winter to spring.
I also had a couple of people reaching out to me on Instagram this week asking where I get my outfit inspiration. The answer is that I mainly get it from Pinterest. I love pinning ideas to my style boards there of outfits that I could recreate using what I have. You can follow me there if you’re interested!
Outfit details are all linked where possible, and similar styles are at the end as always!






Are you hanging on to the winter weather, or looking forward to spring? Let me know in the comments below!
Thanks for reading,