Christmas was always an important holiday for my family growing up, and I look forward to it every year. While simplifying my life has involved reducing a lot of clutter in my home and purchasing less, I still enjoy the tradition of giving and receiving gifts at Christmas. The one change being that now I
Simple Living
5 Apps to Help You Become a More Conscious Consumer
Consumerism has become a mindless habit for many of us, one that’s especially hard to break in today’s world. We are constantly bombarded with ads or tuned into social media comparing ourselves to others, making us feel like we need more. Turning our thought patterns around can be difficult, but there are steps we can
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Clean Beauty
What is Clean Beauty? Common Terms & Their Definitions
As I’ve been moving towards simplifying my makeup routine, I’m focusing more on what’s in the products I buy and how they’re made. However, I’ve found that it’s actually not so simple. There are a lot of terms that brands use when talking about clean beauty which become muddled, so it’s hard to know if what
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Simple Living
11 Quotes from Soulful Simplicity that Resonated with Me
Once in a while, you read a book that speaks to you so deeply, you feel like it was written just for you. For me, Soulful Simplicity is one of those books. Written by Courtney Carver of Be More With Less, the book shares her personal story of why and how she simplified her life.
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Simple Living
6 Minimalist Tips for Slow Travel
Last weekend we took a short, local trip to visit with friends in BC’s interior. While there were moments of excitement, overall it was the perfect peaceful and relaxing getaway from the city. It got me thinking more about the benefits of slow travel, something I would like to do more of. I have always loved
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Slow Fashion
What I Learned From My First Capsule Wardrobe
In winter of 2017/18, I took part in my very first ‘official’ capsule wardrobe. Up until then I had been slowly working to declutter and downsize my closet, but this was the first time that I actually planned a set number of pieces that I would wear for a span of 3 months. Today I
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Simple Living
Why I Don’t Want to Keep Minimalism to Myself
It all started with cleaning out a closet. I am not a very outgoing person. In fact, I’m quite the opposite. I have a tendency to be shy, a little self conscious, and a lot awkward at times. And I really dislike being the centre of attention. And yet, I have a blog where I
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Simple Living
10 Steps You Can Take to Fight Fast Fashion
Fast fashion is bad. I don’t mean to sound preachy here. I aim to lead by example and educate others so they can make an informed decision about the products they buy and the companies they support. But when you look at the facts, objectively it’s hard to disagree that fast fashion is really problematic
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Simple Living
5 Times When Shopping is Not the Answer
Why do people shop? Aside from needing something, there are a lot of reasons why people pull out their purses and make a purchase – and they’re not always the right ones. Here are 5 times when shopping is not the answer (and what to do instead). 1. When you don’t really need something. There