5 Wardrobe Challenges to Try in 2020

Hello and welcome back to the blog! In today’s article I thought it would be fun to share some slow fashion wardrobe challenges to try out in 2020. If you have any goals or resolutions for your wardrobe this year – for example, to purchase less, get more wear out of what you have, or

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How to Be Content with What You Already Have

There are two ways to have enough: one is to continue to accumulate more and more. The other is to desire less. G.K. Chesterton The path to minimalism is fraught with difficulty, traps, and distractions. I still struggle with wanting more, even though I have experienced the benefits of living more simply first-hand. It’s so

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8 Ways I’ve Simplified My Life

We talk a lot about living a simpler life in a very idealistic sort of way. But what does it actually mean to live more simply, and what actions can you take to simplify your life? In today’s article I’ll be sharing 8 changes that I’ve made in my own life to simplify, slow down,

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What I Learned from a Year of Capsule Wardrobes

I started my first ‘official’ capsule wardrobe in December of 2017. By then I had already spent some time decluttering my closet and trying to be more minimal. When I stumbled across the concept of a capsule wardrobe – a perfectly curated and functional collection of clothes – I just knew I had to try

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